These days, all sorts of jerkwads are expecting nothing but high quality flash with a low level of humor. Like Tarboy 'n' shit.
Well you know what? I've been nostalgic for some good old flash.
Like what you would see in the early '00s.
Well guess what?
Somebody has committed pure genius, and interestingly is that it was a fresh animator from late '09.
But, as expected, the flash was spat upon and defaced.
Fuck you guys! A good sprite flash (Which has always been rare) with a classic feel comes, and you fuckin' Troll all over it.
You fucking n00bs. you don't know what belongs on NG, go back to 4chan, 99chan or where ever the fuck you came from. and die (in a fire).
Take a trip to the past and prove me right!
Man, What the fuck you talkin' about?
Seriously! I'm tired and drunk, the same statuses I'm usually in when I write Rants and News Posts.
I bet I'm misinterpreting so many different situations B/C I can't comprehend much.
My composition is probably shit, also.I bet everything I'm writin' is either misspelled, written with shitty grammar, or missing proper punctuation.
What do you guys think?